Saturday, October 20, 2007

Boat Electrical Wiring


Questo è il video che la mia ragazza has edited for the occasion!

Friday, October 19, 2007

How Long Is The Aspen Ski Season

After years of research I found it ... sure, I would rather have taken it in good condition or at least decent but I remember the day when I went to see him in Genoa.
At first all we saw was battered to what (the rear doors can not be close, huge rust holes on the door trims, rust holes on all sides, lower the roof completely rotten, rotten window frames together with the body ... crazy to be honest) and the meeting ended early with a stalemate due in part to me and in part to his brother and friend that I strongly discourage the act.
Regardless of the amount requested. Then they passed

two weeks and want to see the thought of going abroad one of the few bus volkswagen targati Genoa still in circulation (in all probability would have been in the hands of some merchant), you think the open space in the total degradation and the desire to want challenge the world, I took the phone and called Max, the former owner.

"Hello Max, look, I know it's crazy as I know all the give me a fool but I'll take your bus."
I still remember that I called from the backyard, let me hear from relatives and to warn them so "calmly" ...

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restarted from the beginning ... I call that
c3sar3 and his girlfriend and ask if I can accompany up to Genoa to catch cadavere.Lui, enthusiastic as always, we are an hour or so, and, on the place of discovery ...
... with my girl who now has given up the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving mass with an idiot, his father and his dog who are powerless.
The seller (a friend claims to have learned to perform the famous pike back four times after he failed to sell the bus) handed me the keys, you quickly put in his pocket and I started the dinero il bus.
Chiudendo la portiera con la gentilezza di hulk (non si chiudeva) e facendomi indicazioni per la retromarcia il tipo mi saluta con la manina e appena giro l'angolo chiama i gestori telefonici per cambiare numero e un suo amico curdo per alcuni documenti di identità.
Il problema a quel punto è uno: il bussolo sarebbe senza freni e in teoria io avrei programmato un viaggetto di 50 km fino a casa senza assicurazione e collaudo e in quel momento il viaggio era cosa marginale in confronto al tratto di strada che dovevo percorrere da casa del gaudente venditore ai primi insediamenti umani.
Per farla breve una strada con pendenza intorno al 70 percento e larga a malapena poco più del bus, ovviamente a doppio senso di marcia, come ogni buona Genoa-respecting road ...