Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sigma Ef 530 Dg Compatible S5is

Il ranocchio e la magia... di M.Hall

A few days ago I started reading this interesting book by Michael Hall. I thank especially Giannicola, through her blog ZETETES , gave me and gives me lots of ideas and insights on the subject. A book that definitely gives me a lot "answers", but at the moment I will put "new domade. for sure I will participate in the future as more and more of the topics that I was intrigued and impressed.

from the book "The GNP and the magic of language" by Michael Hall
(introduction of Alessio Roberti) The word "magic" that sometimes react with suspicion those who are more likely to use logic and reasoning when they think and decide. Yet few doubt that the power of words is sometimes so overwhelming as to be clearly defined "magic". The effects of language on thought and, conversely, the language of thought, the consequences of words on the physical and mental, on the decisions and actions are so blatant that even those who usually hyper-rational approach is often found to speak, though metaphorically, of "Magic of language."

What interests us in this book is to rediscover the magic of language, which was investigated with the rigor of the scientist and the creativity of the genius of Richard Bandler and John Grinder, the co-founders of Neuro-Linguistic Prpgrammazione ( GNP).

For the first time, more than a quarter of a century ago, researchers were put in a position to "observe and listen to" respect the work of magicians of therapy as Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson, professionals capable of operating in their customers through deep transformations clever use of words.

From their painstaking observation and listening, Bandler e Grinder derivarono la "struttura" della magia del linguaggio messa in atto da questi due terapeuti, i quali, parlando in modo particolare e utilizzando precisi schemi linguistici, agivano potentemente sulla neurologia, sui pensieri e sul comportamento dei loro interlocutori. L'estrazione di tali schemi confluì in ciò che Bandler e Grinder definirono "Meta Modello", lavoro che conteneva gli strumenti linguistici del cambiamento terapeutico e che rispondeva a domande quali:

- Qual'è l'impatto che le parole hanno sul cervello?
- E' possibile imparare a riprodurre la magia linguistica? In altre parole, si can learn to use language to achieve specific targets (for mental well-being, self-fulfillment, motivation and so on)?
- How are people influenced by the way they use the words themselves?
- Changing the language can alter the emotions, opinions, the mental representation of events?

Michael Hall takes in this book, the Meta Model of Bandler and Grinder and discusses possible further developments and applications constantly making reference to the principles and attitude della Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica. Il percorso in cui ci accompagna l'autore consente di riprendere un ragionamento che, iniziato più di trent'anni fa, non si è mai realmente interrotto, si ritorna a parlare, tra le altre cose, di mappa e territorio, di quanto si utile arricchire la propria rappresentazione del mondo, di come raffinare le capacità comunicative per migliorare la qualità dei pensieri e della vita.

C'era una volta un Brutto Ranocchio che fu Toccato dalla Magia.
Una Maga agitò la bacchetta, disse qualche parola,
e all'improvviso...nuvoletta Smoke ...
the ugly frog was discovered to be actually ...
a handsome prince
with all the resources it needed
to live with fullness and passion.
Because, you see, the magic of words
him back to his true identity and his true destiny
aprendogli eyes to the wealth of resources
he had inside himself.
And so it went, happy along the way princely
been transformed completely, vibrant life ...
and narrated his story to anyone who would listen,
so much so that he began to "feel really curious
about the magic that had happened
" But how did he do? "
"There is a method in its Magic?"
's If I could find the structure behind the Magic,
I could probably learn to do magic like this? "
And these words echoed in my mind.
Now, it happened by chance that in those days
two models was also touched by the Magic.
without delay a moment, the two began to take
throughout the United
courses on the structure of magic.
And so, having taken its place on the course,
not yet know the extent of his magical powers
after being touched by the Magic,
had access to its most intense been learning
because he did not want to miss even one of
secrets of magic.
Così, mentre cominciava a respirare profondamente e pienamente
in un sereno rilassamento,
nella crescente emozione dell'aspettativa
di diventare ancor più abile come
Mago Neuro-Linguistico...


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