Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Natural Flea Repellent For Dogs

The threshold load

All buses that comply with the area of \u200b\u200bthe side doors are in poor condition. This
critical point has many elements that have problems with rust derived from the stagnation of water in the seals from infiltration of water through the two doors and the degradation of the media jack and its area of \u200b\u200bfloor above.
Ultimately you have a third port of loading in disastrous situations, the attachment points of the threshold (front and rear extended to the entire bottom of it) and most probably also the remainder of the right side of the van and that of internal divider.

In my case, as you can see the floor had been completely resin or the zone that had to be closing doors was a set of sheets of obscure origin connected from a rain gutter.

vistadel This is the floor, notice the metal door latches and random mating.

Many parts supplied to complete the threshold already joined and welded and this is precisely what I've purchased (at serial kombi) and frankly, after doing this job, I do not know whether to recommend the purchase of part or the whole of the three parts to be welded.
The complete sheet metal is handy if you have side areas in good condition otherwise you need a lot of work ends (as in my case), while the split have the advantage of being more manageable (you can go to areas starting from lower part) but what about welding it subject outside and cross in front of goal it can be difficult because they form areas inaccessible to the welding.
The sheet that I bought unfortunately, because of Brazilian production, had many problems in the pairs, first of all the off-axis spot of the floor with the lower part of the structure.
To realize this is a photo of the distance between seat and door threshold seal on one side ...

... and other ...

As you can see the plates have been welded out of square by about a centimetro.Che do?
Cursing in French in this case, replacement and send him a package containing a dead cat ordinary.
In the meantime we had to use this tool to blow up all the issues of electro (obviously many) and to reposition the plates properly.
For the record, the insert in question is produced by Usagi, is able to be adjusted in depth of cut and are available round the crowns of ricambio.Prezzo around 60 € I think.

In this photo you can see the threshold decomposed into two parts. this settled before we went on the bottom of the van and then setting the threshold to cross.
Of course, the notches for the passage of the uprights of the side sono stati modificati perchè oramai spostati rispetto alla posizione originale (errata).


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