Monday, December 8, 2008

Why Do Tha Funbrain Levels Say Coming Soon

The fixing of a wheel

Il problema più grande che si può incontrare nel fissare il passaruota riguarda l'accoppiamento tra questi e le due parti che devono accoglierlo.
I problemi sono principalmente legati al fatto che prima di tutto, a patto voi non stiate montando lamierati originali dell'epoca (fortunati voi), gli stampi di tali elementi sono veramente molto approssimativi e spesso sono puntati in maniera imprecisa se non errata.
Per la cronaca il mio passaruota aveva entrambe queste belle caratteristiche e per questo abbiamo dovuto piegarlo per la sua lunghezza e abbiamo anche dovuto scorciare le sue estremità too long because the area into which was fixed.
The second problem that we have to do is replace the wheel is often a necessity which is a consequence of the footboard of the complete rusting car / wheel, particularly in the area that is home to the door seals (t2 in these post 67 seals have been removed for this problem) and often rust through, it will be necessary for the reconstruction of two parts:


In this case I was "lucky" to find the attachment of the hinge of the door in good condition, otherwise things would be further complicated.

Zone Rear

In this area you will probably (in addition to the good side laundry for two thirds of the length) the support jack weakened by rust and the whole area inside the punctured wheel and compromised . The area of \u200b\u200bthe floor is in poor condition and require replacement.
My advice is to keep healthy throughout the first floor of the highest quality and thickness of the steel and then because the good parts are good guides for repairs. In my column
jack, after rebuilding the party, I inserted a steel U-thickness of 4 mm. that it might strengthen the areas and prevent warping. Strengthen and


Area closed:


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