Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Much Is Stardoll Vips??

happiness? "Yes we can

"obtain, maintain and recover happiness is in fact the secret of motivation uomini di tutti i tempi, in tutto ciò che fanno.»


Gli studi scientifici sono concordi nell’affermare che le per- sone felici percepiscono il mondo come più sicuro, hanno più fi- ducia in se stesse, prendono decisioni più facilmente, are more

tolerant, more fulfilled, healthier and more vital. Some studies even Steng so-happy people who live between four and eleven years more. Happiness not only makes us feel better, but it makes us live better and longer. Conversely, when we are unhappy we are more irritable, less flexible, and we tend to create more prob-lems to ourselves and to others. The pursuit of happiness is five-for, as some might think, a selfish act. Quite the contrary. It is a gift for ourselves and the world. A gift-under each one of us deserves to birthright.

Nevertheless, psychology has always had a tendency to focus more on negative emotions. Since 1887 have been written 14,889 articles on rabies, 93,371 on anxiety, depression 120,897. For every 17 articles on these topics, only one explored the positive emotions. were in fact written treatises on the joy only 1789, 6255 and 5764 on the sense of satisfaction on happiness.

from "I deserve the Best" by Lucia Giovannini -


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