Thursday, March 26, 2009

Basketball Birthday Parties

problems threshold

The load thresholds are commonly available from South America and in theory should be adaptable to the bus split until 1979 or so (in Brazil has split the production was much longer and this is indulged with more versions strange ... 13,15,21,23 glass in various combinations as well as the much sought after in Italy loading doors positioned in the strangest ways ... the so-called Fleetline that in this period also are coming to us seeking the usual fools ) but in practice it can be adapted to any bus. At least
easily. My
, besides being off-axis at the level of solder was also longer than nine inches high and inside, which would have to go and hit the frame, however was too small.

In photo shows the riser to recovery and a first draft of the coupling threshold.
In the end you can see the sheet while it is folded and shortened evidente come il profilo in cui dovrà andare la guarnizione di battuta porte è piegato veramente male.La zona dovrebbe avere gli angoli ben definiti e in realtà la "C" ha gli angoli molto curvi.
Per quanto riguarda la lamiera inferiore siamo riusciti a farla allineare con i supporti cric e abbiamo dovuto fare alcuni buchi di scolo (come in origine) perchè il manufatto ne era privo.
Dopo quattro o cinquecento bestemmie siamo arrivati ad una versione finale.
Ovviamente dopo aver ripreso tutta la parte anteriore che si presentava così:
  • la curvatura esterna del fianco era stata ricostruita in resina quindi inesistente
  • la soglia era completamente bucata per tutta la lunghezza del taglio (in foto mancava la rimozione dell'ultimo tratto di ondulato)
  • il montante interno e i relativi scatolati erano compromessi e sono stati riscotruiti con questi pezzi
Fianco esterno tra passaruota e soglia con lamina per il fissaggio su interno soglia di carico (3 pezzi saldati)

Piastra di sostituzione zona irrecuperabile tra cabina guida e area carico

Piastre laterali sinistra e destra carico più angolo montante.
A questi elementi abbiamo aggiunto alcune piastre di maggior spessore (4 mm circa) che abbiamo usato per rinforzare l'interno dello scatolato tra cabina e area passeggeri e abbiamo usato come appoggio per il fissaggio the threshold. (see item welded "L" in the second photo below).

At this point, the area was partially recovered.
lacked the final fixing of the threshold and the external sheet of both sides that have been welded shut, in the sense that once established in an area accessible it was going to lose.

first set piece was the side of the sheet metal (recovered from the left side that I ordered and it arrived several months later, when I needed it most).
This sheet was cut longer than about two inches and cut the ends so that they can be riveted to the upright rebuilt and to have a little more material to anchor the load threshold.


Detail of the clipping plate and mating with the post (the threshold was still to be determined).

Front (the outermost zone was later revised). The wheel is left in this side because the original is still in good condition (and definitely better than a reproduction).

Fixed these parts (even if they seem just a mountain) we cleaned the area, cutting across the threshold of load wrong and we brushed the area.

Then we made the top of wavy, cut and filed down to size.

And finally we scored the floor at the side-members and consequently we scored the corrugated (2 holes for each wave of the sheet for 5 matches). 3.5 mm hole.


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